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Website Gravity Like Google Gravity Source Code in HTML JS for BLogger, Website

Web Page Gravity

There isn't a concept of "Google Gravity without copyright" because the core idea and code for the effect isn't copyrighted itself.

Here's the breakdown:

The Google Gravity Effect: This playful twist where the Google search elements fall and interact with gravity is not copyrighted. Anyone can create a similar effect using code.

Original Google Gravity by Mr. Doob: This specific version Mr. Doob created might have used elements from Google's API (retired in 2014) which could have limitations.

Alternatives: Several websites like elgooG ( offer the Google Gravity effect without relying on the original API.

Here's what you can do:

Play Google Gravity: Visit elgooG or search for "Google Gravity" online. These websites provide the effect without copyright concerns.

Create your own Gravity Game: If you're interested in the coding aspect, tutorials exist online that teach you how to build your own gravity game using Javascript and physics engines like Box2D. This wouldn't infringe on any copyright as you'd be creating something new.

So, focus on experiencing the fun of Google Gravity through alternative websites or consider learning how to create your own version!

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